Saturday, September 8, 2007
Tips find credible insurance
What are you suppose to find credible insurance company is:
1. Find information completely about insurance company, including
a. How long it assembled and experience with home insurance
b. service to customers from apply till claim payment
c. company management
d. basic balance statement ( if go public company )
2. Read carefully with insurance product and what it will run like what we want, judgment about prime.
3. Equal with product from another insurance company
4. Clearly about preemie how to pay and another thing from premi.
5. Tell the truth how value your house
6. Ask your consultant finance or another people who has experience about it for make sure
Saturday, August 25, 2007
Home loan factor
Where I start get loan for buy a home? The first time look up your financial income it will be a new problem when you make loan but you can have financial enough to pay back or pay in installment. If you force to get loan you will have hard pay in installment. So how to get home loan but not disturb your financial? Usually the creditor will help you to count how much home loan you need with your financial capability. The creditor usually use some reason to look up your submission before make deal with your home loan submission.
1. Income
Kind of income will be judgment for creditor is continually income. If you have another income but the status is not continual you accept every month usually the creditor will be neglectful. The creditor will give you loan not more than 2, 5 or 3 fold from your income in year. You just prepare your document support about your income and where you get it. The creditor will review your entire document to accept your submission loan. If your income is very stabile for along time till you finish pay in installment so you have a big opportunity for it.
2. Running loans.
Do your have loan before or now you pay in installment and now you still paying? That thing will review for creditor to give you loan or how much they will give you loan again, clearly not maximum loan they will give for you.
3. How much your down payment.
This factor will use creditor to make decision about your submission loan is how much your cash for pay first your home. If your down payment is over than 30 percent from price a home so it easy step to get your home loan, because the creditor just give you 70 percent from price your home. Bigger your down payment is little risk for creditor and little your pay in installment.
4. Your guarante.
If you use a guarante to apply bank loan so make sure your guarante is valid and still use till finish your payback your loan.
5.Your story loans.
Do you have a bed story about loans? If yes, is it will be a difficult factor for you to get loan. But if not, you still have opportunity get some found for buy a home. Creditor want earning from your loan so they can't survive if you can't pay back your loan.
On line Shopping
Thursday, August 16, 2007
Tips Use Credit Card Savely
1. Pay and don't delay
2. Make sure how many you can be pay before you use the credit card
3. Manage your credit card
Very easy to use credit card and very simple how to pay it.Remember you dare to make loan you must to pay. Take it easy.
Tuesday, August 7, 2007
Loan Submission
Submission a bank loan
when we have financial problem and the last way is make loan, so what
we must to do before we walk to bank to submission loan and any things
we must prepare before do it. The judgment before make loan to a bank
1. Make sure how much do you need
If you need $ 50,000.00 for capital financial, the fist think you
should to know how much your own money. That fore you know how much
you need from a bank to add your capital. But remember as much as you
have loan in a bank that mend a lot you must pay in installments and a
lot you pay to bank so you're earning are low.
2. How the why to pay
the seconds judgment is how the way to pay in installments. Where cash
out your money to pay. Don't think you can pay from your new
business, just because usually new business not yet have fix profit so
we can't priority have money from new business and we must pay in
3. When we pay in installments should be not more than 30 percent from
income or from earning
How many we can submission loan to a bank we must pay back, so is
better when we use own money and start business from small and if we
business grow up we can prepare to make expanse. Good lock.
Capital Work
Count financial capital
When we enter the business world maybe we still confuse how many we must set aside capital financial. If we ask with someone how many much you take to start your business? And the answer usually is as much as this.
This is little tips for count financial capital for beginner. In the tenet we have 3rd financial capital for start of business
- Beginner Capital
Beginner capital investment is kind of capital for beginner and usually this capital for long investment like building, computer, vehicle, equipment and another thing for along time. If your business in shop the beginner capital is rack, table, cash machine and etc. This capital is big cost and will decrease in a mount or in years.
2. Capital Work
This capital must to pay for buy or crate goods for sell. Because this capital we pay every mount or if we create orders. If your business in shop you must buy some goods to reseller. In the principle is without capital work your business will going.
3. Operational Capital
And the 3rd capital is Operational capital. This capital you must pay for expense for operational your business from direct cost or indirect cost. For example cost for salary, electrical, retributions etc. Usually this cost will pay every mount or when we do operational work.
That's simple to plan your financial capital. Now you can count how much you need capital to start your business.
Wednesday, August 1, 2007
Tips E-gold Investment
Tips and Trick Invest in E-Gold
Many kind of investment and ones is invest HYIP (HIGH YIELD INVESTMENT PROGRAM) and usually this program just accept in e-gold ( e-gold is another founds in gold in internet and can use for make transaction in internet like investment in HYIP ).
HYIP is program investment can call broker investment with e-gold and it has two type works:
- For the fist time you must sign up before and make deposit and you can choose plan to invest usually HYIP have many plan to invest and how many you must make deposit. Andy then you can monitor your e-gold moving up and you can make withdrawal you're earning manually.
- The second type is you make deposit automatic from your account in e-gold and your earning with credit automatic to your account in e-gold.
So simple and easy making money, but don't thinks simple like that program. Because everything investment program have risk and this include HYIP. And I'm the one how's lose my e-gold in this program. Before I'm very happy my deposit make earning a lot till I can withdrawal my earning and get my deposit back. Experience is expensive teacher and in here I will share about this program how make investment safely.
- Check status the H YIP.Make sure HYIP has exist for long time (over 2 or 3 years) because this program no longer to alive, Use domain detector like make registration domain with type URL HYIP and then click who is to see and looking status HYIP start from. The solid HYIP is no important you to make referrals another investor.
- Check how many paid out well done and see about HYIP have monitor forum and active with forum (for the fist time HYIP always have monitor but will gone in 7 till 10 days). Chose invest with smallest value and shortest time or value you ready to lose get back your deposit.
- After one day you check your earning from your deposit if it work make withdrawal and wait for several days to make deposit bigger than before (but be carefully to ad deposit, I did it but my ad is gone with my earning). You should be making deposit from your earning and withdrawal your deposit.
- If your earning didn't grow and your request withdrawal is pending for over 2 days so this time to say goodbye your deposit so don't ever to make or add deposit again in the same HYIP because this one is scam.
Saturday, July 28, 2007
Opportunity Business
Indonesia is the big country with population more than 200 million people and Indonesia have several big city Island with the Unique native people and this is a big opportunity to invest in Indonesia and the latest trend business in franchise. Are you wanted to build your own business, but didn’t know what kind of business you want to do? Why not try to buy franchise. This business is easy and simple because you don’t do much. Everything is available from the owner of franchise ( We call franchisor ) from standard operational system, management finance till standard recruitment employers. So you just set aside funds in preparation and now you are is the owner of your business. You can start your business from 60 percent so this chance is very easy to start your step.
And the problem is how to choose a brand you want to buy? For the fist you must annalistic the market what is popular now and will be next time, after that look up how many your funds to buy a brand. You should be have 150% from price and just use half of or 100% to invest and 50 % for another else or just to save for accidentally paying. Take strategy location for your place or you do business in right place.
Choose a brand is important because if you didn’t have fund enough to buy franchise you can make application to get bank loan, but the bank will look up your brand if the brand is very famous in the world you over the fist step to get loan from bank and then the banker will interview about your.
Loan Tips
Without a previous track record in business, securing a bank loan may be difficult. Banks cite risk factors and increasing costs of servicing small accounts as the primary reasons for minimizing their exposure to small businesses. Still, it can be done. Here are the steps that you should take to improve your chances of getting that much-needed bank loan:
1. Keep in mind that to stay in business banks need to make loans. Do not be afraid to ask for one. That is what the loan officer wants you to do. To increase your chances of getting a loan, look for a bank that is familiar with your industry and who has done business with companies like yours. Seek out banks that are active in small business financing. Some banks lend on a conventional basis (lending money without government support), while some banks participate in government programs (in the form of government participations involving direct government funds or loan guarantees). However, be aware that banks often demand stiff collateral requirements for start-ups.
2. As an entrepreneur, make sure that you are thoroughly prepared when you go to your banker's office to request a loan. You need to show your bankers that a loan to you is a low-risk proposition. Have on hand a completed loan application, copies of cash flow and financial statement projections covering at least three years, and your cover letter.
3. Learn to anticipate every question that he or she has. Remember, the combination of information and preparation is the most powerful negotiating tool in the world. A confident and thoroughly prepared borrower is four times more likely to have his or her loan approved than a borrower who does not know the answer to some of the basic questions a banker asks. To show the extent of your preparedness, your business plan should also include answers to your banker's questions. These questions normally are:
How much money do you need? Be as exact as possible; although adding a little extra for contingencies will not hurt.
How long do you need it for? Be prepared to go into detail about what the money will do for you and why your business is a good risk.
What are you going to do for it? Businesses use loans for three things: to buy new assets, pay off old debts, or pay for operating expenses.
When and how you will repay for it? Your cash flow projections should provide a repayment time frame. Convince the banker of the long-term profitability of your business and your ability to repay the loan by using your financial projections and business plan.
What will you do if you do not get the loan?
4. Do not take an apologetic and negative attitude. Keep your negativity in check. Present yourself as an entrepreneur who can and will repay the loan. Boost your image by providing your loan officer with any promotional materials about your business, such as brochures, ads, articles, press releases, etc.
5. Dress in a professional manner for the interview. This is a business transaction, so treat it as such.
6. Do not stretch the truth in your loan application. Broad, unsubstantiated statements should be avoided. The lender can easily check many of the facts on your application. If you cannot support statements with solid data, then don't make them. Do your homework and spend time doing research to be able to support everything you say, including every single number in your projections. It is best to keep projections, assets lists and collateral statements on the conservative side.
7. Be sure all your documents are neat, legible and organized in a cohesive and attractive manner. Type all your loan documents. Handwritten documents look unprofessional. Don't forget to include a cover letter.
8. Do not push the loan officer for a decision. Doing so might result in a rejection. Your banker cannot make a decision until all your documentation is complete. To ensure a speedy decision, make sure that your application is complete.
9. Be confident. An attitude of confidence enhances your chance of getting the loan. Show that you can make a success out of the money that the bank will lend to you. Visualize in your mind the positive results of your bank application.
10. Keep trying one lender after another until you get your loan. To improve your position as you change bankers and banks, the best way is to ask for a referral from a successful entrepreneur. Before you decide to approach a bank directly, find an associate, friend or acquaintance that is in good standing with the bank to give you a good referral. Bankers tend to deal more favorably those who were referred to them by their best customers.
11. Failure to discuss risk in your application. You must remember one thing: there is no business without risk. If you do not discuss risk, the bankers will assume that you haven't thought about risk. Let's face it - try as we might, we cannot plan for everything, for every contingency, for every turn of events. Bankers would want to know if you have planned for the major risks and how you intend to manage it.
Then, there is also the risk of too much success. The demand for your products or service may exceed well beyond your expectations, and they would want to know how you intend to handle success.
12. Remember that the first loan is usually the hardest to get. Bankers prefer to lend money to borrowers who have borrowed at least once and have paid back at least one loan on time. They are not venture capitalists that make high-risk loans regardless of the profit prospects of your business. Bankers prefer to lend to low-risk, low profit ventures than to high risk businesses or those with no record of accomplishment.
Take from : Isabel M Isidro is the Managing Editor of Power Homebiz Guides. For a step-by-step guide to starting a business, order the CD-Rom "Power Home Business Ideas" from at