Tuesday, August 7, 2007

Loan Submission

Submission a bank loan
when we have financial problem and the last way is make loan, so what
we must to do before we walk to bank to submission loan and any things
we must prepare before do it. The judgment before make loan to a bank

1. Make sure how much do you need
If you need $ 50,000.00 for capital financial, the fist think you
should to know how much your own money. That fore you know how much
you need from a bank to add your capital. But remember as much as you
have loan in a bank that mend a lot you must pay in installments and a
lot you pay to bank so you're earning are low.
2. How the why to pay
the seconds judgment is how the way to pay in installments. Where cash
out your money to pay. Don't think you can pay from your new
business, just because usually new business not yet have fix profit so
we can't priority have money from new business and we must pay in
3. When we pay in installments should be not more than 30 percent from
income or from earning

How many we can submission loan to a bank we must pay back, so is
better when we use own money and start business from small and if we
business grow up we can prepare to make expanse. Good lock.

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